My blog is a blog is my blog...: October 2005

Monday, October 31, 2005

Fooking Hell.

Fooking hell, where is my darn Windows XP CD?

Finally, I am going into my revision very soon. Everything's still in a mess, including me. I am a total mess.

And hey, I want to drink. Suddenly feel like drinking. But sigh, no money, no time.

One last word before I sleep: WHERE IS MY FREAKING CD?

Good night people.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bloody Hell.

It has been really long since I last updated this blog. Blogging seems so foreign to me nowadays. The mood is not there, work is stacking up and yadda yadda yadda.

Quite a lot of updates throughout these few weeks; I am finally settling down on my last assignment! Seems good isn't it? But sometimes it has been rather frustrating also. My desktop is so messy with PDA programs, photographs, music plus loads of rubbish. I want to format that darn computer.

Haven't been drinking for two weeks already. No urge also. Weird.

My new mobile housing has got a slight opening by the side. God knows why and I am so lazy to send it for a check up. Hopefully it doesn't get cancer.

It seems that there is nothing interesting and exciting about my life now. Excitement always die down when it comes to the school period.

Yes Eric, a girlfriend is supposed to share the worries and woes with the other half. But when two stressed up people talk, inevitably arguments will surface out of nowhere for no rhyme or reason. So I rather endure it all myself for the time being. Perhaps it is about understanding yourself and compromising certain issues for the betterment of the future.

And this coming holiday does not even seem like a holiday. It;s like so packed with stuff. It could be a good thing though, but that also means higher expenditures. Like going to Hong Kong for an exchange programme. It sure takes a lot of preparations.

Looking at my current position in my club now, I feel apprehensive about the workload and the expectations of my duties when I take over it next year. I still feel ignorant about a lot of things and scenarios keep jogging through my mind. What if I cannot perform up to standard? What if I let people down?

That would sound very sad right?

Yes, what to do? I am melancholic by nature.

Okay, back to work. Thanks to all my avid fans of my blog who kept the site meter counting during this short period of MIA-ing.

Good day people.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

As I Always Say...

Yes I am feeling the stress again with no venting outlets for me.

Work seems to be never ending and it seems to burgeon everyday. Writing a simple essay on the population and Earth is already sapping half of my energy away.

Rest is not something which can cure me of the stress. I need to vent it out.

Relaxation is not an entitlement but a privilege.

I have no outlets or whatsoever to transfer my agony to. Therefore I stuffed it into my emotional luggage and live with it. From day to day, it is increasing in weight. From day to day, my self sinks into the deep abyss of mental torture and pain.

I can only pray for smooth transition into November, when it will be nothing but mugging and writing notes.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Patient Man.

I am the patient man, and I shall not elaborate. =)

Life recently had been relatively "stable" i.e. me not feeling much stress although assignment deadlines are nearing and tightening my neck.

I don't know why but assignments started to look minor to me, examinations seem to be the stress factor.

I feel so blank now. Haha! Hence nothing much from me for now.

This is the crunch month; make it or break it.

Happy anniversary dear.

Good night people.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Random Thoughts For The Day.

  1. Am I really someone who is hard to understand? Despite explicit clues given, somehow they don't seem to go through.
  2. I wonder what's wrong with me these few days. Even weekends don't seem to be enjoyable even with my loved one.
  3. Why is it so that I can't set myself down to work despite the fact that I want to do well for this semester?
  4. Am I undergoing pre-depression such that these little things start to affect me in a big way?

Good night people. I have been blatant enough.