My blog is a blog is my blog...: Fishing (Frogging)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fishing (Frogging)

Jimmy coined the term "frogging" in place of fishing because he thought that I could catch frogs last night.

Blatantly he doesn't know that Bedok Jetty is at the sea. Either this or he doesn't know that frogs don't live in the sea. *hurhur*

Planning for Teachers' Challenge is more or less completed already. Thank you Sharon and Khadijah.

NIE mates commented that I'm too skinny. Doesn't give girls a sense of security. But what good is a well-built guy when he has other major flaws like taking people for granted, for instance?

Slept for a good 8 hours after the frogging fishing trip before giving tuition again just now.

Chatted with a 26-year-old schoolmate at the jetty about his problems. Indeed, he shares my sentiments about this year being the worst year in our lives. But what can I advise him except to move on?

The sky was really enchanting that night. Literally full of stars. Quiet with a cooling breeze all night long. It is like a paradise. Sounds of splashing waves coupled with the yellow reflection of the moon shining upon the dark sea. I felt so unwound and open over there last night. To enjoy my friends' company while frogging fishing with a few cans of beer to add up to the atmosphere is such a bliss in this f*cked-up hectic and dog-eat-dog political world now.

Not to forget that those irritating mosquitoes were not around.

I think I am acquiring a penchant for these kind of activities. Roller-blading, frogging fishing and stuff like that. These past few days had been renewing and fruitful and I thank and praise God for all He had given unto me. (",)

Although it was a fun night, I still cannot control myself but think. I felt so peaceful, free and simple, lost in my own world but probably it is the the new me (yes it's been long and I had finally found myself. Jimmy please don't say I am chui again).

It was a night to remember.

And still, I hold on dear to my dreams of star-gazing with my beloved one, falling asleep in each others' arms. And yes and it got to be at Bedok Jetty.

One day it will come true.

Yippee! I'm going shopping later!

Good night people.


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