My blog is a blog is my blog...: Quintessentially....

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Brothers in distress again. Ha! This world is never ridden of its vicious cycle of love and separation, fear and courage, nostalgia and apprehension.

Talking about morality, would you go after someone whom you like but the person you like is on a rocky boat with his/her partner? And we have to factor in that you know the person's partner personally as well.

Indeed this is a hard question that tries our moral principles (for some of us with at least a meagre level of morality) versus the ever-uncomprehended feeling of love.

I don't have the answer or any justifications for this if you ask me.

Someone told me just now; mentality allows you to think while the heart allows you to feel. Would you rather have a stable and right mentality or a strong heart to feel and do the things you feel that have to be done? He rather feel because you derive satisfaction and that conquers all thinking. You think more, you get more problems. Love works miracles.

My friend also said, if I still feel for her (Anqi), there is still love, there is still flame, there is always hope. But the next thing rocked me the most.

"Because you did it 3 years ago."

It's nice to know all these but the fact remains that I know where I stand. There is no place for me in her heart. Or probably, I am cramming in one pathetic, suffocating corner.

Okay, the best thing is not to assume or (even) try to fathom how our female counterparts organise their chain of thoughts. Because men are not engineered to do so. It is hard being a man you know. You intercept their thoughts (wrongly), they say you are egoistic, too sensitive and geh kiang not doing enough. You don't think so much, they say you are not sensitive and understanding.

Hey ladies, here's my $0.02's worth. Appreciate that there are men around you who try their very best in being sensitive. Don't take that for granted. You wouldn't know if your next man can do as good as your previous one, let alone doing better.

When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself

~ Wayne Dyer


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