My blog is a blog is my blog...: A Night To Remember.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Night To Remember.

I'd thought that it would just be a simple dinner, with a little booze and singing and off we'll go by 11, just in time before the surcharge sets in.

Boy I was wrong.

It turned out to be a wedding discussion, some mind-provoking thoughts with loads of humour blended in.

That is why I decided to blog, knowing that verbalism at that point in time wouldn't earn me any credit.

A few things happened to rock my mind just now, but due to some sort of mild intoxication (as it always does), I shall only briefly talk about some issues which my mind could still remember.

One issue that spurred my mind into the thinking process was on morality. Morality is a very subjective and debatable topic. How does one define this very simple word but yet carry an abyssal of disputable ideas? To one, visiting nightclubs can be defined as a morally acceptable rite of a male as long as there are no sexual acts involved; while some deemed that as long as you visit such places, you are just so wrong.

Then again, how do we define the term, 'sexual act?' Morality is just way too subjective to be thought upon from a generalist's point of view. Some said that the concept of morality is derived from the culture where one lives in while there is contest that morality is based on religious grounds. Some believe that morality is derived from oneself; the kind of environment the person grows up in. Talk about principles.

Okay, this is a topic which can go on and on, and so I shall just let it dwell in me (if it ever does).

And so, we talk about marriage subsequently.

I have this strong feeling that the environment does change a person drastically. Especially so in Singapore. The pragmatism is simply too strong. So much so that when it doesn't change a person for the better, it changes the person's way of life and habits.

Sometimes, so much so that I almost cannot recognise the person whom I know, albeit some parts of him didn't change.

Then, we did talk about what we want out of life. Money-oriented, or purpose-oriented? There is always this stigma there remains deeply ingrained in Singaporeans. Money is power.

Some of us are way too overwhelmed by the fact that money makes the world go round. To the guy, money makes the women go round (and this is pretty true to a certain extent; personal opinions though). Indeed, having money is important in Singapore. People recognise your status in the society by looking at the thick stash of credit cards in that folding leather wallet of yours. People look at the car you drive. They look at the job you are holding, whether there are any routes for further, potential advancements.

Now, who really gives two hoots about you even if you really love the person deeply, with all your heart but hold a mediocre job, let alone a career.

Okay, so much for today.

Good night people.


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