My blog is a blog is my blog...: Behold!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


It has been three and a half weeks into the third-year second semester.

And I felt like there are a lot of fabrications going on in school.

This blog is still stalked.

Biased speculations, baseless assumptions and "story-making" make life so interesting sometimes. Not on my part though.

Well, NIE is a platform for creative minds at work isn't it?

But I abhor such creativity. It should be used in more useful areas like lesson, fieldtrip plannings and classroom management.

Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.

Behold! Karma is near!


During the holidays, I felt that I needed work to engage my intellect. To stimulate the complacent mind. Now that work has set in, I feel the polarity of my thoughts conjuring up with increasing intensity.

Can I just rest for a day or two without any work in mind?


I wonder what's happening in Jimbi's life now. Same old thing, he refuses to divulge. Well, as busy as I can be, I'll always be here to lend a listening frog's ear. =)

And I can't wait for the weekend to come. Housewarming cum wedding dinner at Raffles Hotel. The monetary damage is going to be so darn high. There better be good food and complimenting drinks.


There is going to be a group-conducted fieldwork at the HDB Hub later on. And my group is presenting! But I'm quite stoned now. Can't get down to my script for some spastic self-rehearsing. And yes, stay tuned for the details of my round-island cycling trip two weeks ago.



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