My blog is a blog is my blog...: Muggadoodle

Friday, November 17, 2006


I mugged at Starbuck's and RV Plaza's Mac with fio last night. Apologies for arriving so late. HAHA! It was funny lah. The most vivid thing I could remember was at Mac. I think she managed to subdue one chapter of her cina while I managed to do a readthrough of a few chapters.

And I won't be studying tonight! *evil*

She was funny lah. I cannot imagine she can be as lame as me and yet put on such a serious front. Yes I got defeated at my own game this time. #@$@$!#@$!@. But nonetheless, interesting to sustain the whole night. The talk of the night was about our cups of tea. So you see, we were sitting beside the power socket (I needed to charge my laptop) and that's the place where they plug in the free coffee and tea refiller thingy. She got around *counting using fingers*, 5 cups of hot water from the boy over the counter. It was hilarious that the boy knew what she exactly wanted; yet another cup of hot water.

"Oh my hot-water boy is going home. Better get more hot water before he's gone" said fio at 4am.


Man, should have taken some pictures.

And yes, she told me how she played a guy out last Saturday at Double O. Thank God I didn't know her during clubbing. SHE'S HORRIGIBLE I SWEAR. I shall spare the details for the goodness of all MANkind, literally.


So much for an interesting night.


The Mac was playing some Chinese hits after a night long of English pop from Perfect Ten. And I subconsciously took up my pencil (not to scribble notes on what population parameters are in Ecology) and doddled a few lines of an ad-hoc poem. Just completed the full poem and so here goes.

I Thought

In the dark twilight of the revolving sphere,
I thought about myself, and I feel a little bit weird.
Series of songs diffuse into the dense cold air here,
I thought about the things that I once held dear.

Many things I had done brought me joy and tears,
I once thought about them, what are left are remorse and fear.
As days pass by, my mind became clear,
I had actually trashed the past, something that I’m very sure.

The world is never static, noises of unhappiness I hear,
among couples with hatred, and couples with love.
Never am I falling into the trap again; please do not get near,
The skies are never grey to start with in my own world here.

As I add this poem on to my collection, I realised that I have 38 poems in my collection throughout these 2.5 years. OMFG.

Good day people.

p.s. Maybe I should start a new blog just for my poems. Suggestions?



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