My blog is a blog is my blog...: Rain rain, go away, come again another day....

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Rain rain, go away, come again another day....

The day of supposed tanning is ruined. Can't tan tonight. Neither can i swim. I think i should go to the gym. Just received a call from Jing Han about their relationship's problems. A 4 months' old relationship, facing the same problem that i've faced with Anqi before during our first year together. How ironic that when girls love the guy deeply, they are able to compromise and give in some much, but when feelings fade off, they are unable to compromise and even try to heck what is guy is trying to do for her, even if it meant showing concern only.

Once in a while i will think of her. Like thinking of making breakfast for her again when i was showering yesterday. Like seeing her beside me in the morning when i woke up just now. Like going to Harbourfront early in the morning just to have dim sum with her. Is it all too late?

A piece of advice to all lovers out there. Communication is very important, the same goes to compromising for each other. It is only through these two things that mutual trust can play its important role in the relationship. Once these two factors are gone, trust me, the relationship is dead.

Time for lunch. Boring.


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